Future of cohesion policy in support to R&I

The discussions around the new cohesion policy framework post-2027 are in full swing. While the new Commission is gaining shape, the Report of the Group of High-level Specialists on the Future of Cohesion Policy was released in February, and the European Commission’s 9th Cohesion Report in March this year.

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ERRIN Smart Specialisation Working Group: Future of cohesion policy in support to R&I
Tuesday 22 October | 10:00-11:45. In person meeting at Rue du Luxembourg 3 (8th floor), 1000 Brussels

As ERRIN actively fosters discussions around the future of cohesion policy and its links with R&I, this meeting will focus on how cohesion policy can support R&I now and looking ahead. The aim is to take stock of the ongoing discussions regarding the future of cohesion policy in the next Multiannual Financial Framework from multiple angles. We will discuss the value of cohesion policy for investments on R&I in European regions, as well as invite the speakers and audience to think collectively on how future cohesion policy can better support R&I.

Among the speakers will be a representative of the European Commission’s DG REGIO, as well as higher education sector colleagues who willshare the view of researchers and innovators on cohesion policy. Feedback will also be shared from a European project focusing on improving structural funds to better deliver R&I policies.

10:00 Welcome coffee
10:15 Introduction – Recalling ERRIN’s main messages on the future of cohesion policy
Lucie Durocher, Région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Smart Specialisation WG leader
10:20 Current and future cohesion policy: what is in for R&I?
Benoit Nadler, Deputy Head of Unit, Policy development and economic analysis, DG REGIO
10:50 What do researchers and innovators think about cohesion policy?
Silvia Gomez Recio, Secretary General, YERUN – Young European Research Universities Network
11:05 Feedback from the IMPROVE project: Improving Structural Funds for better delivery of RDi
Lucila Castro Rovillard, Project Manager, Foundation FUNDECYT Science and Technology Park of
11:20 Q&A and discussion
11:45 Wrap-up and end of meeting

Tidpunkt: 2024-10-22 10:00 - 2024-10-22 11:45