Konferens om Missioner
Konferensens syftar till att lansera implementeringen av av EU-Missionerna tillsammans med regioner och städer. Dessutom vill man diskutera detaljerna i målen och nästa steg i Missionet för städer med den kommande utlysningen som förväntas komma inom den närmaste tiden.
The European Committee of the Regions’ COTER commission is closely associated to the implementation of the missions across Europe and is offering this conference to interested CoR members and other stakeholders. The aim of the conference is to launch the implementation of EU Missions with cities and regions and to discuss in more detail the objectives and next steps of the Cities Mission, including the upcoming call for expression of interest later this month.
Information om Regionkommitténs Mission Konferens Nov 2021.
You can register by sending an email to: coter@cor.europa.eu
Tidpunkt: 2021-11-25 09:30 - 2021-11-25 12:15