Konferens: Culture and creative industries in the Baltic Sea Area – drivers for growth and sustainable development

Småland-Blekinge är medlemmar i det brysselbaserade nätverket informal Baltic Sea Group (iBSG) som varje år anordnar en större konferens i Bryssel. Syftet med konferensen är att skapa en mötesplats för lokala-, regionala, och nationella nivån samt EU-institutioner och andra intressenter. Den 3 april är dags för 2014 års konferens som fokuserar på kultur och kreativa näringar samt dess drivkrafter. Programmet är ännu inte offentligt, men det kan vara en god idé att reservera datumet i kalendern redan nu. Har ni frågor om evenemanget, kontakta Sven Kastö på:

sven.kasto@smalandblekinge.eu eller +32-488 80 49 43

on Thursday, 3 April 2014  in the afternoon followed by a Spring reception

at the Goethe Institute Brussels, Rue Belliard 58, 1040 Brussels


On 3 April 2014 in Brussels the European Commission, the Informal Baltic Sea Group and the Nordic Council of Ministers will host a seminar on culture and creative industries.


The seminar will address key drivers for culture and creative industries, among them the needed skill sets in the cultural/creative sector; investment rationales in the Baltic Sea Region and cross-sectoral fertilization and spill over effects to other sectors.


The revised Action Plan for the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) emphasizes on the importance of culture for sustainable development in the Baltic Sea Region – including the importance of understanding better how culture actually and practically can enhance sustainable development. The Nordic Council of Ministers has during 2013-14 taken up an effort to build knowledge and new partnerships in this area. So have the European Capitals of Culture 2014, Riga and Umeå.


The seminar will take stock on current culture and creative industries activities for growth and sustainability in the Baltic Sea Region, lessons learned and implications for future macro-regional and European Union level cooperation. Also the seminar will provide an opportunity for stakeholders to meet and form new partnerships, including with a view to cooperate under programmes such as Creative Europe.


A detailed programme will be available soon. Please reserve the date!